The Indian Alliance for Zero Extinction
The Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE – represents 67 of the world’s leading biodiversity conservation organizations; currently represented by Zoo Outreach Organization and Ecosystems India from India. The Alliance’s approach is to identify and conserve the places where extinctions are most likely to occur. The AZE identification process begins with a systematic examination of species within the highest two categories of IUCN Red List (Critically Endangered and Endangered) and then maps those that are restricted to small areas. Although many types of conservation intervention may be necessary to prevent the loss of biodiversity, sites meeting these simple criteria are by definition essential to avoiding extinctions.
The 2010 global analysis pinpointed 612 such sites that contain a total of 950 highly threatened species. The updated list contains 19 species from India including eight mammals and amphibians each, two birds and one reptile. National protected area networks and AZE member organizations have secured nearly half of these sites, but much more work is required. The remaining locations receive no formal protection and most face continuing habitat loss and degradation. Not only are these sites vital to prevent the extinctions, a new study shows that the value of ecosystem services such as water filtration, soil retention, and carbon sequestration of these sites far outweighs their destruction (on the order of billions of dollars).
AZE has been welcomed by the G8+5 environment ministers through the Potsdam initiative, and was included as an indicator for the 2010 target by the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership.
The protection of Alliance for Zero Extinction sites offers a tremendous opportunity for nations to meet the 2020 Biodiversity Target of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The means to achieve this target include:
COLLABORATION – Build a national network of biologists, conservation groups, land management experts, and nature tourism operators to help identify critical places using the AZE criteria (see
IDENTIFICATION – Identify all the ZERO EXTINCTION sites in the country; work with the global AZE network to include these sites on the global list.
RECOGNITION – Highlight those ZERO EXTINCTION sites that are already publicly protected, and consider extending official status to private reserves that include these sites.
PROTECTION IN PARTNERSHIP – Work with conservation groups and the private sector to create protected areas and develop carbon, watershed protection, and/or ecotourism projects at unprotected ZERO EXTINCTION sites to protect species and generate revenues.
IUCN World Parks Congress Message to the Convention on Biological Diversity:
“Effectively conserve all globally threatened species in situ with an immediate emphasis on all globally Critically Endangered and Endangered species confined to a single site”
©2010 Zoo Outreach Organization