Teachers for Tigers workshop at Kathmandu, Nepal

Central Zoo, Jawalakhel, Kathmandu -- 26-28 June 2007

Twenty eight teachers from the urban and rural schools of Kathmandu took part in the WCS funded three-day ‘Teachers for Tigers’ educators training workshop, hosted by the Central Zoo, Jawalakhel from 26-28th June 2007.  The Director of the Central Zoo, Mr. R.K. Shrestha, during the inaugural address encouraged the teachers and Friends of Zoo members to take up similar training which can help them equip to take part in global level conservation education initiatives.  This programme was conducted by trainers from Zoo Outreach Organisation and Central Zoo. 

On the first day, portions from Unit 1 of the TFT manual were covered.  Drama from TFT helped the participants to break their silence and made them involved in the workshop.  Games from HELP manual was also played in between activities.  The first day programme came to close with Tiger Time-line. 

On the second day, activities from Unit 2 and 3 were covered.  The participants actively took part in Citizens debate and role play.  These activities helped them to understand the issues related to species conservation and the difficulties.  They also learned some games from ZOO education packets and WCS HELP manual. 

On the third day, they had serious topics from Unit 4 about tiger conservation that was different from the previous day’s activities that had fun and active learning tools through games, drama, songs, and debates.   There were also introduced to Teens for Planet earth project coordinated by WCS.  Many participants showed interest to register their names as Leaders of TFP.  At the end of the workshop the participants committed to do education programmes utilizing the teaching tools that they learned in the workshop.  All the participants received a certificate during valedictory programme. 

A group arranging the tiger range map to understand the historic and present distribution of tigers in the wild

Active learning about tiger threats through drama - poaching

Understanding uses of tiger tail - balancing on pole

A participant leaping to compare with tiger