Zoo Outreach Organization &
Wildlife Information Liaison Development


 ZOO/WILD's 2012 -13 Activities . . .

Assessment of South Asian butterflies for conservation prioritization

IUCN 2012 has listed about 33 species from all South Asian countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka) of which 6 are listed as threatened. South Asia reports about 2000 species and subspecies of butterflies for which the status of most of the butterflies is not known. It is an established fact that many of the butterfly habitats are degrading with particular reference to larval host plants. In order to assess the status of butterflies of this region a project (Phase I) was initiated with the financial support of Mohamed bin Zyed Conservation Fund for one year, which started on July 2012 to collate all available species information on butterflies.

Species assessment is the first step required for conservation of any species, which is the prerequisite to understand the status of the species in the wild. It is generally believed that information on invertebrate species is lacking but in the case of butterflies, sufficient species information is available but it has to be collated and made available for assessment. This MBZ project conducted by the IUCN SSC South Asian Invertebrate Specialist Group, which is hosted by Zoo Outreach Organization aims to achieve this.

The objective of the project is to assess the butterfly species of South Asia (ca. 1500) using IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria 2001 though collating and analyzing the existing butterfly information. Butterfly species assessment for South Asia is included in the IUCN Strategic plan on species for the quadrennial period 2013-16.

★ To identify experts who can contribute for butterfly assessment and networking
★ Prepare a checklist of South Asian Butterflies to Prioritize species to be assessed
★ Collection of species information from literature to create a database on butterflies for assessment as per the requirements of SIS
★ List out all distribution details of the species to develop species range maps
★ Analyze the information to know the status of the species and to standardize data for correct information
★ Reporting to IUCN and submit to biodiversity unit for Red Listing.

With the support of MBZ Conservation Fund species information collation of all endemics of South Asian species (92) and about 650 species of South Asian non-endemic butterfly species has been completed. The Phase II of the project will take up the rest of the species and upon completion the status will be reviewed by the butterfly experts.

The project is executed in collaboration with the support of the members of IUCN SSC South Asian Invertebrate Specialist Group, Zoo Outreach Organization, and Wildlife Information Liaison Development Society.