During the SAZARC Business Session, the following Committees
reported : Transportation Guidelines for Zoos, Chair Abdur
Razzaque (Bangladesh); Wild Animal Stock Position of SAZARC
Zoos, Chair, Mansoor Qazi (Pakistan); Nutrition, Jayanthi
Alahakoon (Sri Lanka), Aquarium Report, Renuka Munasinge
Bandaranayake (Sri Lanka); Conservation Committee, Sally
Walker (India); Two reports Training and Wildlife and Trade
Committee by Dr. Sahu (India). Some other reports, such as
Reintroduction, Release, Translocation, S.K. Sinha (India);
Veterinary medicine, Ganeshkumar Dubey (India) were
submitted by post or fax and will be included in the final
amalgamated Report. Committee Chairs were encouraged to
start early, try and collect information from every country
and present their reports.
Three new committees have been described in the Resolutions,
e.g. Guidelines for Crisis Management in the Zoo, Chaired
by, Manoj Mahapatra; Membership Committee; and ISIS /
Records Committee, R. K. Sahu as President, SAZARC.
The Conference thanked Ms Uzma Khan, Pakistan, for her work
as Chair of the Education and Welfare Committee her leaving
the Lahore Zoo and being given additional duties at WWF
Pakistan. The Conference participants confirmed Ms. Bushra
Khan, Education Officer, Lahore Zoo as Chair of the
Education Committee.
It has been suggested by President and Director, that the
Education and Welfare Committee be split into two
committees, Education being separate with a Committee on
Ethics and Welfare in keeping with the WAZA model. The
Education Committee will be chaired by Bushra Khan who will
record and coordinate the education reports from each
country (representatives for the following countries offered
from the floor) were Mr. Kande Nihasl Senarath De Silva, Sri
Lanka assisted by Renuka Bandaranayake; Rachana Shah,
Nepal; Sayed Ali Ahasan and Zahed Md. Malekur
Co-representing Bangladesh; undecided (India) and Mohammed
Fazil, Afghanistan. The Ethics and Welfare Committee will
be Co-chaired by President and Director, SAZARC, who will
request a representative from each country to be suggested
by their respective zoo community.
Director, SAZARC presented the Report of the Administrative
Office for the year. Activities were summarized and the
financial position was reported. Director reported that
when SAZARC was given membership in the World Association of
Zoos and Aquariums, it was felt that elegant solution to the
currency and some other problems of some South Asian
countries could be looked after for sometime by Zoo Outreach
Organisation serving as SAZARC Administrative Office cum
Secretariat, since Zoo Outreach Organisation was also a
member of WAZA. SAZARC Director reported that since ZOO
supports many other networks and associations at their
office, and since all of these networks and associations
have some relation to zoos, that it had been possible to
justify absorbing the cost of running SAZARC throughout the
year with funds being raised only for the Annual Conference
and sometimes for the President to attend WAZA. The funds
raised for the Annual Conference pay for the air fare and
accommodation of participants whose zoo or government cannot
or will not support their attendance. Therefore, any funds
raised in the name of SAZARC are used directly for
participants and not to support the SAZARC office or pay any
salaries. The activities of the year 2005 will be
described in detail in the Report of the current SAZARC
The venue for the 2006 Annual Meeting was discussed. It is
the tradition of SAZARC to attempt to get around to all the
countries before conducting a meeting in a country for the
second time. This year it was hoped that the senior
officials of the Kabul Zoo could attend SAZARC and offer
Kabul, Afghanistan as a potential venue but this did not
materialize. Likewise, it was hoped that the yet to be
represented country of Bhutan would send an official who
could investigate the possibility of Bhutan hosting the
meeting, but this also did not materialize. Director,
SAZARC, reported that there had been an invitation from the
South East Asian Zoo Association (SEAZA) for SAZARC to
attend their Annual Meeting which will take place in Saigon,
Vietnam, 11-13 September 2006 and will include a training in
Zoo Marketing. It was suggested by the Director and
supported by the President and others that a delegation of
one or two persons from each country attend this meeting
in lieu of a regular meeting of SAZARC. In addition, a
visit to Kabul Zoo, Afghanistan as a SAZARC delegation will
be arranged. As there was not a clear consensus as to this
option, a vote was taken which was overwhelmingly for the
SEAZA and Kabul Zoo option. It was generally agreed that
unless Afghanistan or Bhutan made a clear offer, the 2007
meeting could take place in Nepal or some other country.
Earlier in the meeting, Director, SAZARC had given a Report
on the publication in South Asia of the World Zoo and
Aquarium Conservation Strategy WZACS. The Central Zoo/KMTNC,
Nepal and the NGO Wildlife Action Group WAG were commended
for conducting a formal release of the WZACS in their
country. Director explained that it was thought earlier
that sufficient funds were available for each country to
translate and print the official Summary document of WZACS
in their national language, but when the individual
countries sent their estimates for translation and printing,
they were 2-3 times what had been estimated by the
Administrative Office and thus exceeded the budget.
Director suggested that the official WZACS Summary be
printed in English with one page summary in the national
language of every country along with a one or two page
description of the zoos of their country as well as a
section on SAZARC. Thus one document would represent all
countries and could be printed in good quantity with the
current budget. It was further stated that if any country
wished to translate and print the official summary of WZACS
at their own cost, the SAZARC administrative Office would
provide full-colour covers and also screen print the title
in language of the country artfully on a blank portion of
the cover. After some discussion of modalities this was
The Conference ended with an informal but enthusiastic
Valedictory ceremony mid- afternoon on the fifth day and
participants went their separate ways on subsidized tours of
zoos of the country. Submitted by Director, SAZARC.