1Ocean Conservation Education Action Network

1OCEAN project focuses on addressing the environmental challenges that ocean currently faces through an integrated approach of research, conservation and education. By taking a collaborative and multi-dimensional approach, we aim to bring about a positive change for our oceans, educate future generations, and promote sustainable development. Join us in our journey towards a healthier and cleaner ocean!

Different initiatives undertaken under 1OCEAN:

  • One of 1OCEAN flagship marine conservation programs is the sea cucumber project. Through this project relevant stakeholders and the perceptions of the people in the trade of sea cucumbers, the gaps in sea cucumber conservation planning were identified and on-ground data was communicated to policy-makers which ensured continued protection in the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
  • 'Elasmobranch bycatch monitoring via citizen science'. The main goal of the project is to launch a citizen science portal to record landings of sharks and rays and to train interested coastal communities of Kanyakumari and naturalists to record shark and ray landings. And eventually these custodians become educators for marine life.
  • Ram Hattikudur Advanced Training in Conservation Course, an annual training course offered by Zoo Outreach Organisation had marine biodiversity conservation as the theme for the year 2022-23. In collaboration with the University of Kerala, the students selected for the course did their mentorship marine projects which were based on themes like Co-operatives, Deep Sea Crabs, Impacts of coastal erosion on fishing communities, Fishing Gears, Ocean Literacy, Supply and demand of marine species.
  • A conference-cum-workshop was organised to train teachers from various schools in Coimbatore to promote ocean conservation and kickstart the ocean education program.

Key Outcomes under this project:

  • Interaction with 100+ fisherfolk in Kerala and Tamil Nadu coastlines.
  • 10 marine related conservation projects completed in the Tamil Nadu and Kerala coastline.
  • A citizen science portal to record landings of sharks and rays.
  • 20+ trained teachers to be educators for the marine life.
  • 50+ students celebrated World Ocean Day.

Future goals:

  • Co-create an ocean literacy manual with teachers for implementation in different schools across India.
  • Popularise the sharks and rays of India through media and highlight their plight to generate interest and encourage volunteering.
  • Build case studies based on the work in the existing study sites that can be replicated with minor modifications in other coastal areas in India.
  • Publish both popular and scientific articles in collaboration with other subject experts to increase interest on these groups.
  • Capacity building and training workshops on lesser-known marine invertebrates among interested researchers caught as unintentional bycatch.



Click here for the activity booklet

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Donate to conserve

Support our conservation mission. Be a part of the movement to bring back species from the brink. Help our living planet remain healthy. Join in by donating to Zooreach.

Volunteer or Intern

The future of our living planet is in the hands of the youth to effect a change. Zooreach helps the young and young-minded with opportunities to help build a platform for saving species and habitats from going extinct. We transform the youth with innovations, training, skills and science to develop into a force for positive change to the environment as a whole and communities at risk.

Be a citizen scientist

You can be a scientist whether you are a student or a concerned citizen. You don't need a degree in any biological sciences to be a part of this quest to save our living world; all you need is to actually want to save it, a dash of interest, a sprinkle of curiosity, and the absolute will to make a difference. Join our citizen science programs.